Saturday, April 11, 2020

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By Binita Madam

Comprehension :

A.      Write T for true and F for false

1.       Dorothy studied her tables only once.  F
2.       She couldn’t remember six times nine.  T
3.       Her mother tell told her to call her doll ”fifty-four”. F
4.       Elizabeth Wigglesworth always acted proud. T
5.       Dorothy finally gave the correct answer to her teacher. F

B.      Answer the questions given below in your words :

What could Dorothy not remember?

Answer = Dorothy could not remember six times nine.

What did Dorothy’s sister tell her to do?

Answer = Dorothy’s sister told her to play with her doll and call her doll “fifty-four” for a while.

What did Dorothy think was a “dreadful shame’?

Answer = Dorothy’s thought to call her lively doll “fifty-four” was a dreadful shame.

Why did Dorothy laugh out loud?

Answer = Dorothy laughed out loud whether classmate Elizabeth said six times nine is “fifty two”.

What answer did Dorothy give to her teacher?

Answer = when her teacher asked Dorothy how much is six times nine, Dorothy replied six times nine is ‘Marry Nine’  as she thought.


Write the opposites of the word given below. Choose words from the box:

1.       Backward =  Forward

2.       Remember  = Forget

3.       Little = Huge

4.       Answer =  Question

5.       Always = Never

6.       Proud  = Humble

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